
Metaphysics Atelier Dragon Trails page

Shen’s flying star system is just one of the many systems under the greater San Yuan and Xuankong umbrella. There were much older related scripts like the Purple White Star that were written and in the mid 1940s, Master Tan renounced the old Flying Stars system that he was using and offered a public apology. This extract from the preface in his own words illustrates the fact that the grandmaster’s quest for continuous learning and readiness to discard old concepts. Had it not for the Taoist monk that he met, it would have been impossible to learn the secrets of the Six Methods on his own. Learning about Chinese metaphysics is like learning to fly a plane or to repair a car. You can get the idea by training on a simulator or reading about it but in most cases, it is better to train with a instructor to guide and flag out the intricate details along with the hands-on experience. The history of how XKLF is being founded is an amazing read.

“…方遇李氏虔虚于渑上,再三请求,始授得大玄空六法真诠,始知一向所学称为大玄空者,于易理完全相背,实非玄空真旨,而世之阅鄙前著各书,当然尚不知 觉,其后尤氏著有宅运新案,荣氏著有二宅实验,沈氏著有沈氏玄空学数书,皆以章氏墓附其后,为公开学术,救济社会之旨,则彼此相同也。养吾自得诀以来,既 知初学之非矣,为学术计为道德计,于庚午春三月,登报启事,以冀有志于古玄空学,而误于一早氏天心正运者,得有更正之望,千百年之古学,不为鄙人等所误, 迄今改辙研究者,固有其人,而抱先入为主,仍刻意于一二二四五颠倒论者,尚属多数,大匠能以人规矩,不能使人巧,亦无可奈何也,今特商请于李师,咸为若一 见仍按古训秘而不传,不从事立说传后,今而后,吾道不免有漂没之处,于是允以择善而授,以资流传.”

For those who wishes to wishes to know more about the four famous scripts under the Xuan Kong umbrella, this article here written by a Malaysian master offers a very good overview.


Metaphysics Atelier Dragon Trails page
The Golden Dragon-One of the key concepts in the Xuan Kong FS concepts

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