August 2019

Selecting an auspicious date
For the Chinese metaphysics practitioner, date selection is often one of the key services that is being sought after. After all, most of us would want an auspicious (& convenient) date for important events like wedding, house renovation, moving into...
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Transiting Fengshui Period 8 to 9 (Part 2)
Some of our clients have asked us to clarify the Heaven and Earth portion of Fengshui Periods from the earlier post. Simply put, each period is associated with both an early Heaven gua (卦)and a later Heaven gua. (先天后天八卦)Each of...
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Photo of hand holding the globe
Fengshui Period 8 to 9
We live in a period of massive change; new geopolitical challenges, climate change etc. Practitioners of #fengshui and #chinesemetaphysics should be familiar with the 9 Periods of Fengshui. Each cycle is about 180 years divided into 9 different periods each lasting about 20 years....
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